Kickball Schedule

Monday Coed Recreational Kickball- Fall 2024


Monday, August 26

Double Headers
BZ's Calves, Kick Out The Jams, Lawtino Gang Gang, Return of the Belle Isle Ballers, The People's Champs
Calm Down Greg, It's Kickball
NorthWest Field
NorthEast Field
6:10 PM
7:05 PM
8:00 PM

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Monday, September 9

Calm Down Greg, It's Kickball forfeited to Kick Out The Jams.
Calm Down Greg, It's Kickball forfeited to Kick Me With Your Best Shot.
Double Headers
ELITE JUST 4 KICKS, The People's Champs
NorthWest Field
NorthEast Field
6:10 PM
7:05 PM
8:00 PM

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Monday, September 16

Double Headers
Calm Down Greg, It's Kickball , ELITE JUST 4 KICKS, Kick Me With Your Best Shot, Return of the Belle Isle Ballers
NorthWest Field
NorthEast Field
6:10 PM
7:05 PM
8:00 PM

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Monday, September 23

Calm Down Greg, It's Kickball forfeited to Kick Out The Jams.
Calm Down Greg, It's Kickball forfeited to Lawtino Gang Gang.
Double Headers
BZ's Calves
NorthWest Field
NorthEast Field
6:10 PM
7:05 PM
8:00 PM

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Monday, October 7

Calm Down Greg, It's Kickball forfeited to The People's Champs .
Calm Down Greg, It's Kickball forfeited to Return of the Belle Isle Ballers.
Double Headers
BZ's Calves, ELITE JUST 4 KICKS, Kick Me With Your Best Shot, Kick Out The Jams, Lawtino Gang Gang
NorthWest Field
NorthEast Field
6:10 PM
7:05 PM
8:00 PM
8:55 PM

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)